We are your Reborn Doll supplier worldwide
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Assorted Reborn Kits
Prices, Order and Contact Form
Prices, Order and Contact Form
Please, download the price list by clicking on the arrow
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestros artículos, comuníquese con nosotros y nos comunicaremos con usted en breve.
Contact us:
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Dear Customer, please fill in your order form an invoice will be sent to you, please pay we can then dispatch your chosen items
Order Proposal:
Customer Name
Kits And Accessories Requiered:
NEW Lainey full limbs disk jointed body inc eyes & lashes
NEW Lainey full limbs no body inc eyes & lashes
NEW Daisy full limbs no body inc eyes & lashes
NEW Daisy full limbs disk jointed body inc eyes & lashes
NEW Poppy full limbs no body
NEW Poppy full limbs disk jointed body
Sofia with full limbs
Sofia with disc Jointed body
Susie with disc jointed body eyes & lashes included
Susie with full limbs
Lotty with disc jointed body
Lotty with full limbs.
Elsa with disc jointed body
Elsa with full limbs
Celia with disc jointed body, eye & lashes included
Celia with full limbs
Anna with disc jointed body, eyes & lashes included
Anna with full limbs, eyes & lashes inluded
Lucy with disc jointed body
Lucy with full limbs
Molly Marie with disc jointed body
Molly Marie with full limbs
Pippa with disc jointed body, eyes & lashes included
Pippa with full limbs, eyes & lashes included
Dummies to fit Sofia and Susie
Dummies to fit Celia, Pippa and Molly Marie
Vinyl dummies
Dark eyes
Brown eyes
Blue / Grey eyes
Blue Hat
Pink Hat
Disc Jointed Body
Baby Name Wrist Bands
Alpaca Hair (Please, detail the animal name)
Thank you for contacting us.
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Mon - Fri
9:00 am
3:00 pm
Sat - Sun
Please, ask for prices list via email:
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